It's been more than three months since I last posted. And it has been a difficult ninety days. Our country is struggling in a dangerous world. President Bush and the GOP are facing all-time low levels of public support. Yet we have the best economic conditions in twenty years. So, we are fat and happy. Most of us could care less what happens in Iraq or North Korea, or anywhere else, for that matter. What's important is what's happening to our favorite celebrities (wasn't the premature death of Anna Nicole Smith a tragedy?).
We are ready, as a nation, for an extended period of isolationism, and we have just the people to lead us into that new era of head-in-the-sand stupidity: the Democrats. Today, I am declaring myself in favor of a Democratic presidency, beginning in 2008!
Now some of you may think that such a turn of events will cause great harm to our Republic. Of course, you are correct. But we can afford a few years of socialism, utter stupidity, and other associated silliness (we survived eight years of Clinton, didn't we?). What we cannot afford for a generation is the spectre of nearly half our people behaving so irresponsibly as to create a danger for all of us. Today, in the Senate and the House, we have our highest-paid public servants acting like complete jackasses. There is a reason for this behavior: Democrats do not take the threat of Islamo-fascism seriously. Almost all of them believe that a Republican in the White House is more dangerous than a group of Muslim fanatics on an airplane.
The only way to cure them of that blindness is to put them in charge, which is what my friend Jonah Goldberg advocates in his most recent column in National Review:
Jonah Goldberg's column
Some long-term damage will result, whether it's Hillary, B.O., or any of the other wannabes (please, Dear God, don't let it be Joe "Blowhard" Biden). But whoever it is will have to face reality within days or, at the most, weeks of the 2009 inauguration. Shortly thereafter they will call meetings with key Capitol Hill Democrats and explain the Truth to them. The result will be a return to a realistic, bi-partisan foreign policy during a time of war. The last time such a thing occurred was more than forty years ago, in 1966, when Lyndon Johnson was President. Before that it was 1948 when Harry Truman was President. And before that it was 1941, when Franklin Roosevelt was in office.
Eventually, the Democrats will screw it up so badly that Republicans will be returned to office, probably in 2012. We were able to stomach Jimmy Carter for only four years, remember. But in the meantime, for the sake of the country, we need a Democrat in the White House.
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