Thursday, April 26, 2007

The War is Over!

Today was a milestone in history. The Democrats in Congress have made it very clear that when they take control of the White House, they will immediately surrender to the Islamic fanatics that are tearing Iraq apart. Of course, the results will be catastrophic in the long run, but nary a Democrat could care less.

The Roman Empire did not collapse because it lost a war. Its collapse started with the Roman Senate deciding to cut the pay of far away soldiers defending the frontiers. Within a few years, the Roman citizens who were serving in the army departed the service, leaving only mercenaries. Sometime after that, several of the generals, who themselves were mostly from the hinterlands, began to leave as well, forming roving bands that extracted ransoms from various towns and villages to pay their way. By 400 A.D., one of these bands was so successful that it began to move toward Rome. In 410, its leader, Alaric, laid seige and demanded tribute from the city of Rome itself. As you may know, Rome was no longer the capitol of the Empire, it having been moved to Constaninople. But when the citizens were unable to continue monthly payments, Alaric cut off the water supply. Within two months, the city's population had declined by half, and the remainder threw open the gates. The barbarians raided Rome for two weeks, taking everything they had a desire for. Then they left. Roman citizens were shattered by this defeat, and never stood off against an armed force again, even in World War II.

A few weeks ago, I encouraged the election of a Democrat for President in the hopes that the responsibilities of office would correct their obvious blindness. It is probably too late for that.

Within 15 years, we will be engaged in armed conflict against Islamic extremists here in North America, and we will continue to lose. A nation without a spine is no match for a determined enemy that wishes to impose their will on its captives, or kill them.

Victor Davis Hanson provides a more optimistic view in this article:

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